


Before you get started, make sure that you have:

In this section you will find some tutorials that you will guide you through how to use the aiida-vibroscopy plugin, from zero to hero! We strongly recommend to start from the first one and work your way up with the other ones.

Go to one of the tutorials!

  1. Phonon band structure: get started with predicting the phonon dispersion of silicon.

  2. Dielectric properties: compute the dielectric and Raman tensors of silicon.

  3. Raman spectra: learn the automated calculation of Raman spectra of silicon.

  4. Polar materials: predict the phonon and dielectric properties of AlAs with LO-TO splitting.

  5. Spectra using different functionals: compute the vibrational spectra of LiCo2 using DFT and DFT+U+V, and understand the power of Hubbard corrections comparing the results to experiments!

Here below the estimated time to run each tutorial (jupyter notebook):




Run Time (s)
