Phonon band structure of Si#

In this tutorial you will learn how to calculate the phonon band structure of silicon step by step using aiida-vibroscopy.

In this tutorial we will make use of the silicon structure to give you an overall understanding of the usage of the package. If you are interested in more advanced features, please have a look at the other tutorials.

Let’s get started!

Frozen phonons#

In the harmonic and Born-Oppenheimer approximation, phonons are defined as second order derivatives of the potential energy surface (PES). These derivatives can be evaluated numerically around the equilibrium point \( \{ \mathbf{R}_0 \} \) (i.e. relaxed ions) displacing the atoms along the three Cartesian directions. The second derivatives become first derivatives when using forces, and one can use the following formula:

(1)#\[\begin{equation} \left . \frac{\partial f(x)}{\partial x} \right |_{x=0} \approx \frac{1}{2h} (f(h)-f(-h)) + \mathcal{O}(h^2) \end{equation}\]

The \(h\) is then the finite displacement of the atom from the relaxed position. Usually, good values are 0.01-0.005 Å. The default in the package is 0.01 Å.

This technique of computing the force constants matrix is usually referred to as frozen phonons (or also small displacements).


One should verify that the phonon frequencies do not change within the desired threshold when change the value of \(h\).

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from local_module import load_temp_profile

# If you download this file, you can run it with your own profile.
# Put these lines instead:
# from aiida import load_profile
# load_profile()
data = load_temp_profile(

Importing the structure from COD#

Let’s import the silicon structure from the COD database via AiiDA.

from aiida.plugins import DbImporterFactory

CodDbImporter = DbImporterFactory('cod')

cod = CodDbImporter()
results = cod.query(id='1526655') # Si   1526655
structure = results[0].get_aiida_structure() # it has 8 atoms

The PhononWorkChain#

To compute the phonons, then one need to displace all the (non equivalent by symmetry) atoms along the (non equivalent by symmetry) Cartesian directions. As phonons are related to collective ionic motions, this methods needs supercells in order to account for patterns that live outside the unitcell.

Let’s import the WorkChain and run it! We use the get_builder_from_protocol to get a prefilled builder with all inputs. These inputs should be considered not as converged parameters, but as a good starting point. You may also need to tweak some parameters, e.g. add magnetization etc., depending on your case.

from aiida.orm import List
from aiida.plugins import WorkflowFactory
from aiida.engine import run_get_node

from import PhononProperty

PhononWorkChain = WorkflowFactory("vibroscopy.phonons.phonon")

builder = PhononWorkChain.get_builder_from_protocol(
builder.supercell_matrix = List([1,1,1]) # this can be 2,2,2, but we save some time JUST FOR THE TUTORIAL

results, calc = run_get_node(builder)
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05/24/2023 11:02:00 AM <4148537> aiida.engine.processes.functions: [WARNING] function `generate_preprocess_data` has invalid type hints: unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'AbstractNodeMeta' and 'NoneType'
05/24/2023 11:02:00 AM <4148537> aiida.engine.processes.functions: [WARNING] function `generate_phonopy_data` has invalid type hints: unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'AbstractNodeMeta' and 'NoneType'
05/24/2023 11:02:00 AM <4148537> aiida.orm.nodes.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode: [REPORT] [100|PhononWorkChain|run_base_supercell]: launching base supercell scf PwBaseWorkChain<108>
05/24/2023 11:02:01 AM <4148537> aiida.orm.nodes.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode: [REPORT] [108|PwBaseWorkChain|run_process]: launching PwCalculation<111> iteration #1
05/24/2023 11:02:07 AM <4148537> aiida.orm.nodes.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode: [REPORT] [108|PwBaseWorkChain|sanity_check_insufficient_bands]: PwCalculation<111> run with smearing and highest band is occupied
05/24/2023 11:02:07 AM <4148537> aiida.orm.nodes.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode: [REPORT] [108|PwBaseWorkChain|sanity_check_insufficient_bands]: BandsData<114> has invalid occupations: Occupation of 0.009307178050842801 at last band lkn<0,0,20>
05/24/2023 11:02:07 AM <4148537> aiida.orm.nodes.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode: [REPORT] [108|PwBaseWorkChain|sanity_check_insufficient_bands]: PwCalculation<111> had insufficient bands
05/24/2023 11:02:07 AM <4148537> aiida.orm.nodes.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode: [REPORT] [108|PwBaseWorkChain|sanity_check_insufficient_bands]: Action taken: increased number of bands to 24 and restarting from the previous charge density.
05/24/2023 11:02:07 AM <4148537> aiida.orm.nodes.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode: [REPORT] [108|PwBaseWorkChain|inspect_process]: PwCalculation<111> finished successfully but a handler was triggered, restarting
05/24/2023 11:02:07 AM <4148537> aiida.orm.nodes.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode: [REPORT] [108|PwBaseWorkChain|run_process]: launching PwCalculation<119> iteration #2
05/24/2023 11:02:13 AM <4148537> aiida.orm.nodes.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode: [REPORT] [108|PwBaseWorkChain|results]: work chain completed after 2 iterations
05/24/2023 11:02:14 AM <4148537> aiida.orm.nodes.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode: [REPORT] [108|PwBaseWorkChain|on_terminated]: remote folders will not be cleaned
05/24/2023 11:02:14 AM <4148537> aiida.orm.nodes.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode: [REPORT] [100|PhononWorkChain|run_forces]: submitting `PwBaseWorkChain` <PK=128> with supercell n.o 1
05/24/2023 11:02:16 AM <4148537> aiida.orm.nodes.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode: [REPORT] [128|PwBaseWorkChain|run_process]: launching PwCalculation<131> iteration #1
05/24/2023 11:02:34 AM <4148537> aiida.orm.nodes.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode: [REPORT] [128|PwBaseWorkChain|sanity_check_insufficient_bands]: PwCalculation<131> run with smearing and highest band is occupied
05/24/2023 11:02:34 AM <4148537> aiida.orm.nodes.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode: [REPORT] [128|PwBaseWorkChain|sanity_check_insufficient_bands]: BandsData<134> has invalid occupations: Occupation of 0.008059168785439441 at last band lkn<0,0,20>
05/24/2023 11:02:34 AM <4148537> aiida.orm.nodes.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode: [REPORT] [128|PwBaseWorkChain|sanity_check_insufficient_bands]: PwCalculation<131> had insufficient bands
05/24/2023 11:02:34 AM <4148537> aiida.orm.nodes.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode: [REPORT] [128|PwBaseWorkChain|sanity_check_insufficient_bands]: Action taken: increased number of bands to 24 and restarting from the previous charge density.
05/24/2023 11:02:34 AM <4148537> aiida.orm.nodes.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode: [REPORT] [128|PwBaseWorkChain|inspect_process]: PwCalculation<131> finished successfully but a handler was triggered, restarting
05/24/2023 11:02:34 AM <4148537> aiida.orm.nodes.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode: [REPORT] [128|PwBaseWorkChain|run_process]: launching PwCalculation<139> iteration #2
05/24/2023 11:02:44 AM <4148537> aiida.orm.nodes.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode: [REPORT] [128|PwBaseWorkChain|results]: work chain completed after 2 iterations
05/24/2023 11:02:45 AM <4148537> aiida.orm.nodes.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode: [REPORT] [128|PwBaseWorkChain|on_terminated]: cleaned remote folders of calculations: 131 139
05/24/2023 11:02:47 AM <4148537> aiida.orm.nodes.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode: [REPORT] [100|PhononWorkChain|run_phonopy]: submitting `PhonopyCalculation` <PK=148>
05/24/2023 11:02:53 AM <4148537> aiida.orm.nodes.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode: [REPORT] [100|PhononWorkChain|inspect_phonopy]: WARNING: no force constants in output
05/24/2023 11:02:53 AM <4148537> aiida.orm.nodes.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode: [REPORT] [100|PhononWorkChain|on_terminated]: cleaned remote folders of calculations: 111 119 131 139 148

These are the results:

{'supercells': {'supercell_1': <StructureData: uuid: 3d023d79-22bf-428d-bfc2-c5b0fa0ddbda (pk: 126)>},
 'supercells_forces': {'forces_0': <TrajectoryData: uuid: b370d91e-b60e-4c34-969c-08dc3a85a370 (pk: 123)>,
  'forces_1': <TrajectoryData: uuid: 94811a63-5303-412e-b3fb-4c6f2101371e (pk: 143)>},
 'phonopy_data': <PhonopyData: uuid: 2902efd5-d167-4c95-ba84-5ae7204749c8 (pk: 147)>,
 'output_phonopy': {'output_parameters': <Dict: uuid: 87723b60-1bef-4e26-899e-331f3eb7824f (pk: 151)>,
  'phonon_bands': <BandsData: uuid: 2162132f-c712-4256-9b26-fd3fd5c9cfff (pk: 152)>,
  'remote_folder': <RemoteData: uuid: 272830c1-5f11-42f9-9d0e-e557c09ec67a (pk: 149)>,
  'retrieved': <FolderData: uuid: 3c527749-7e6d-4f54-8f99-9723657f00b8 (pk: 150)>}}

As we computed the phonon dispersion, we can easily plot it as follows:


Analysing the workflow#

Many things happened for computing this phonon band structure. Let’s inspect the process tree.

%verdi process status {}
PhononWorkChain<100> Finished [0] [7:if_(should_run_phonopy)(1:inspect_phonopy)]
    ├── generate_preprocess_data<101> Finished [0]
    ├── get_supercell<103> Finished [0]
    ├── create_kpoints_from_distance<105> Finished [0]
    ├── PwBaseWorkChain<108> Finished [0] [3:results]
    │   ├── PwCalculation<111> Finished [0]
    │   └── PwCalculation<119> Finished [0]
    ├── get_supercells_with_displacements<125> Finished [0]
    ├── PwBaseWorkChain<128> Finished [0] [3:results]
    │   ├── PwCalculation<131> Finished [0]
    │   └── PwCalculation<139> Finished [0]
    ├── generate_phonopy_data<146> Finished [0]
    └── PhonopyCalculation<148> Finished [0]

Here the explanation:

  1. First a PreProcessData was instantiated. This data type stores the information of the structure, its symmetries and the displacements dataset to perform for the harmonic phonons.

  2. A base ground-state calculation is performed via a PwBaseWorkChain. This will be used in the following as starting point for all the structures with displacements.

  3. The StructureData with displacements are generated.

  4. For each of such structures, an SCF is run using a PwBaseWorkChain to compute the forces.

  5. A PhonopyData is generated. This gathers together ALL the information of a phonon calculation: structure, symmetry, supercell, primitive cell, displacements, and forces. (eventually, also the non-analytical constants; see the tutorial on polar materials)

  6. This data node is used to post-process the information via a PhonopyCalculation.

You can also inspect this data to convince yourself.

{'natom': 8,
 'first_atoms': [{'number': 0,
   'displacement': [0.01, 0.0, 6.123233995736852e-19]}]}

Final considerations#

We managed to compute the phonons of silicon fully ab initio! :tada:

Learn more and in details

To learn the full sets of inputs, to use proficiently the get_builder_from_protocol and more, have a look at the following sections: