Protocols and overrides#


The following how-to assume that you are familiar with submitting the workflows of the package. At the very least, make sure to have completed the tutorials.

Please, make also sure to have a look at the dedicated topic section, where we explain more conceptually what this is about and why/how/when you should use it.

To simplify the filling of the inputs, you can use the get_builder_from_protocol of a WorkChain, specifying eventually a protocol and some overrides, as you probably noticed in the tutorials.


Not necesseraly all the WorkChains have the get_builder_from_protocol. E.g. The numerical_derivatives.

General usage#

Depending on the WorkChain, you will need to specify some minimal, but required, inputs. Here is an example:

from aiida.orm import load_code
from aiida.plugins import WorkflowFactory
from aiida.engine import submit

WorkChain = WorkflowFactory("vibroscopy.some.workchain")

code = load_code(IDENTIFIER)
structure = load_node(IDENTIFIER)
overrides = {...}

builder = WorkChain.get_builder_from_protocol(code=code, structure=structure, protocol="fast", overrides=overrides)


To get to know the available protocols:

In [1]: WorkChain.get_available_protocols()
{'moderate': {'description': 'Protocol to perform an IR/Raman spectra calculation at normal precision at moderate computational cost.'},
 'precise': {'description': 'Protocol to perform an IR/Raman spectra calculation at high precision at higher computational cost.'},
 'fast': {'description': 'Protocol to perform an IR/Raman spectra calculation at low precision at minimal computational cost for testing purposes.'}}

Overrides (beginner)#

As stated at the beginning, you might need to tweak your builder inputs before submitting. Instead of modifying the inputs via the builder, you can do it via overrides. The way the overrides must be secified is WorkChain dependent. The structure should be the same as the input specification of the specific WorkChain, so always refer to the inputs of the particular workflow, which you can find here.

Here an example on how to use it for the IRamanSpectraWorkChain.

from aiida.plugins import WorkflowFactory
IRamanSpectraWorkChain = WorkflowFactory("vibroscopy.spectra.iraman")

code = load_code(IDENTIFIER)
structure = load_node(IDENTIFIER)
overrides = {
    "phonon": {
            "distance": 0.01,
            "pseudo_family": "SSSP/1.2/PBEsol/efficiency",
            "kpoints_distance": 0.4,
                        "ecutwfc": 40.0,
                        "ecutrho": 320.0,
                        "resources":{"num_machines":1, "num_mpiprocs_per_machine":2,}
                    "cmdline": ["-nk", "2", "-ndiag", "1"]
        "kpoints_parallel_distance": 0.2,
            "electric_field_step": 0.0005,
            "accuracy": 2,
            "pseudo_family": "SSSP/1.2/PBEsol/efficiency",
            "kpoints_distance": 0.4,
                        "ecutwfc": 40.0,
                        "ecutrho": 320.0,
                        "resources":{"num_machines":1, "num_mpiprocs_per_machine":2,}
                    "cmdline": ["-nk", "1", "-ndiag", "1"]
        "symprec": 1e-5,
        "distinguish_kinds": True,
        "is_symmetry": True
        "run_parallel": True

builder = IRamanSpectraWorkChain.get_builder_from_protocol(code=code, structure=structure, overrides=overrides)

To make you understand, as the IRamanSpectraWorkChain uses the DielectricWorkChain, the inputs of this workchain are specified under the name dielectric. The same overrides for DielectricWorkChain, if run alone, would be:

from aiida.plugins import WorkflowFactory
DielectricWorkChain = WorkflowFactory("vibroscopy.dielectric")

code = load_code(IDENTIFIER)
structure = load_node(IDENTIFIER)

overrides = {
    "kpoints_parallel_distance": 0.2,
        "electric_field_step": 0.0005,
        "accuracy": 2,
        "pseudo_family": "SSSP/1.2/PBEsol/efficiency",
        "kpoints_distance": 0.4,
                    "ecutwfc": 40.0,
                    "ecutrho": 320.0,
                    "resources":{"num_machines":1, "num_mpiprocs_per_machine":2,}
                "cmdline": ["-nk", "1", "-ndiag", "1"]

builder = DielectricWorkChain.get_builder_from_protocol(code=code, structure=structure, overrides=overrides)

You got the gist, so it will be the same for the phonon inputs, which corresponds to the PhononWorkChain.

Overrides (advanced)#

Once you got used to using the overrides, you will notice your python script will become quite a mess. The idea is to write the overrides in a separate file, using for example the convenient YAML format, and then load them in the script.

import pathlib
from aiida.plugins import WorkflowFactory
IRamanSpectraWorkChain = WorkflowFactory("vibroscopy.spectra.iraman")

code = load_code(IDENTIFIER)
structure = load_node(IDENTIFIER)

builder = IRamanSpectraWorkChain.get_builder_from_protocol(

And your overrides YAML will much cleaner as well:

        distance: 0.01
            kpoints_distance: 0.2
        accuracy: 2

Automated inputs for insulators, metals, and magnetism#

Inputs might change depending on the nature of the material: insulating, metallic, a form of magnetism. This can be the need of specifying a smearing or a magnetic configuration.

To do this via the get_builder_from_protocol. For specifying it is an insulator:

from aiida_quantumespresso.common.types import ElectronicType

kwargs = {'electronic_type': ElectronicType.INSULATOR}
builder = WorkChain.get_builder_from_protocol(code, structure, **kwargs)

Metals are the default, but you can specify it via ElectronicType.METAL if you want.

To specify a collinear ferromagnetic structure:

from aiida_quantumespresso.common.types import SpinType

kwargs = {'spin_type': SpinType.COLLINEAR}
builder = WorkChain.get_builder_from_protocol(code, structure, **kwargs)

If you have a magnetic sublattice, e.g. antiferromagnetic, then you can still easily do it:

from aiida_quantumespresso.common.types import SpinType

kwargs = {
    'spin_type': SpinType.COLLINEAR,
    'initial_magnetic_moments': {
        'Fe1': +8.0,
        'Fe2': -8.0,
builder = WorkChain.get_builder_from_protocol(code, structure, **kwargs)


The initial magnetic moments are defined through the valence electrons of the pseupotential in use. So for the case of iron and SSSP pseudo, the valence electrons are 16. Thus, using 8 translates in the following pw parameters: = Dict({
        "starting_magnetization": {
            "Fe1": 0.5,
            "Fe2": -0.5,

Again, we stress the fact of always checking the inputs before submitting your calculations!


The magnetic sublattice is defined using the name in the StructureData, as usual in Quantum ESPRESSO.